Nelvana on the development and production behind Super Wish
Super Wish is an animated children’s series from Redknot, a joint venture between Discovery and Nelvana. In this children’s series, a young boy ...
Produced for PBS Kids by Augenblick Studios, City Island is a series of shorts aimed at teaching children and their families about civics. The series fo ...
The Animation Dance Party is a yearly virtual collaboration event for the animation community that brings together a whole host of talent under one, bum ...
Adult Swim is the iconic channel from Cartoon Network that has been the home of Rick & Morty and The Boondocks. But as well as showcasing adult anim ...
In the short film Poiscaille, we meet a woman, fishing in a swamp. When her rod catches something, she quickly reels it in – only to discover that wha ...
In Jonathan Venne’s Banana Anna, a yellow-clad secret agent returns home from a long day at work only to be attacked by an inept intruder. She quickly ...
Hello Kitty and her friends Cinnamonroll, Kuromi and My Melody have appeared in everything from cartoons to fashion collections. Rising from cute cartoo ...
Every year, students participating in the animation program at Cégep du Vieux Montréal produce incredible work for their end of year thesis films. Con ...
Red Ketchup started as a cult comic book series published in Quebec. Originally appearing in 1982 as a side character in Michel Risque, written by Pierr ...
In the short film Pizzèle, we meet a young cook in a pizzeria. She appears bored at first, that is, until an order for a pizza comes along. From pla ...
In the short film Ednöra, we meet a quirky, magical witch who is hoping to capture a magical creature – the will-o’-the-wisp. After an exciting ...
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