Associate Certification Learning & Objectives

To support both learning and practice of our Toon Boom products (Harmony Advanced, Harmony Premium, and Storyboard Pro), we provide the following free online learning as well as clear objectives of what will be taught along the way.


Harmony Premium

ID Category Objective
SHA.01.0 History of Animation Identify the key moments in the history and development of the animation industry.
SHA.02.0 Animation Techniques Assess and recommend different animation techniques based on style, requirements, and advantages.
SHA.03.0 Animation Principles Analyze, assess, and identify the animation principles and how to apply them when animating.
SHA.04.0 Animation Pipeline Deconstruct the animation pipeline and identify the roles involved in the process.
SHA.05.0 Efficiency and Organization Apply critical thinking to organize thoughts, ideas, assets, working files, and deliverables.
SHA.06.0 Project Creation Demonstrate the ability to create and set up a project file fitting the final output requirements.
SHA.07.0 Interface Navigation Demonstrate ability to navigate and customize the user interface to optimize work efficiency.
SHA.08.0 Drawing Tools Demonstrate ability to use drawing tools in vector environments to create artwork suited for all steps in the project.
SHA.09.0 Bitmap Drawing Demonstrate ability to use drawing tools in a bitmap environment.
SHA.10.0 Design Apply artistic skills and processes to create a variety of character and prop designs fitting a consistent style.
SHA.11.0 Layout Apply technical and artistic skills and processes to create location design and background layouts with perspective.
SHA.12.0 Layers Demonstrate ability to create and organize layers based on ordering rules and type.
SHA.13.0 Paperless Animation Apply artistic skills and processes to create frame-by-frame paperless animations based on the animation principles.
SHA.14.0 Timing and Drawing Exposure Demonstrate ability to adjust animation timing and drawing exposure.
SHA.15.0 Visual Reference Tools Identify essential visual reference tools and their purpose in a production context.
SHA.16.0 Colour Styling Analyze mood requirements and apply artistic skills to create colour schemes.
SHA.17.0 Colour Palettes Apply technical skills to create and structure colour palettes.
SHA.18.0 Painting Apply technical skills to paint frame-by-frame paperless animation with efficiency.
SHA.19.0 Rigging Understand the fundamental rigging concepts as well as apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to breakdown and rig characters to be animatable.
SHA.20.0 Cut-out Animation Apply artistic and technical skills to create coherent and believable cut-out animation based on the animation principles.
SHA.21.0 Library and Templates Demonstrate the ability to structure and share assets through a library.
SHA.22.0 Lip-Sync Demonstrate the ability to animate characters and mouths synchronized with dialog, action, and mood.
SHA.23.0 Sound Demonstrate the ability to import, time, and edit sound.
SHA.24.0 Import Demonstrate the ability to import third-party images and integrate them into a project.
SHA.25.0 Staging Apply technical skills to position elements on the stage and build a composition.
SHA.26.0 Keyframes and Motion Identify and understand the various components and parameters involved in computer-generated trajectories.
SHA.27.0 Camera Move Demonstrate ability to position and animate a camera on a stage in a 2D and 3D environment.
SHA.28.0 Playback Understand the concept of playback range, loops, and frame rate.
SHA.29.0 Compositing and Effects Apply technical skills to composite scenes, bring elements together, light the components, and add effects.
SHA.30.0 Node System Understand the nodal system purpose, flow and how to troubleshoot it.
SHA.31.0 3D Space Understand 3D spatial staging and element positioning.
SHA.32.0 Exporting Demonstrate ability to export a project to share it with others.


Harmony Advanced

ID Category Objective
SHA.01.0 History of Animation Identify the key moments in the history and development of the animation industry.
SHA.02.0 Animation Techniques Assess and recommend different animation techniques based on style, requirements, and advantages.
SHA.03.0 Animation Principles Analyze, assess, and identify the animation principles and how to apply them when animating.
SHA.04.0 Animation Pipeline Deconstruct the animation pipeline and identify the roles involved in the process.
SHA.05.0 Efficiency and Organization Apply critical thinking to organize thoughts, ideas, assets, working files, and deliverable.
SHA.06.0 Project Creation Demonstrate the ability to create and set up a project file fitting the final output requirements.
SHA.07.0 Interface Navigation Demonstrate ability to navigate and customize the user interface to optimize work efficiency.
SHA.08.0 Drawing Tools Demonstrate ability to use drawing tools in vector environments to create artwork suited for all steps in the project.
SHA.09.A Bitmap Drawing Demonstrate ability to use create illustrations and sketch in a bitmap environment.
SHA.10.0 Design Apply artistic skills and processes to create a variety of character and prop designs fitting a consistent style.
SHA.11.A Layout Apply artistic skills and design background layouts using guide tools.
SHA.12.A Layers Demonstrate ability to create layers and organize a timeline.
SHA.13.A Paperless Animation Apply the 12 principles of animation to create traditional animation from key animation to clean.
SHA.14.A Timing and Drawing Exposure Use critical thinking to apply the timing animation principle to adjust animation rhythm as well as comedic timing.
SHA.15.A Visual Reference Tools Make use of all visual reference tools as well as shift and trace animation to create animation interpolation and clean-up.
SHA.16.0 Colour Styling Analyze mood requirements and apply artistic skills to create colour schemes.
SHA.17.0 Colour Palettes Apply technical skills to create and structure colour palettes.
SHA.18.A Painting Apply technical skills to paint frame-by-frame paperless animation using colour models, colour ambiance palettes, and textures.
SHA.21.A Library and Templates Demonstrate the ability to save assets in a library for reuse possibilities.
SHA.22.A Lip-Sync Demonstrate the ability to breakdown sound animate mouths synchronized with dialog, action, and mood and make use of automated assistance tools.
SHA.23.0 Sound Demonstrate the ability to import, time, and edit sound.
SHA.24.0 Import Demonstrate the ability to import third-party images and integrate them into a project.
SHA.25.A Staging Apply technical skills to stage elements using a linear timeline.
SHA.26.0 Keyframes and Motion Identify and understand the various components and parameters involved in computer-generated trajectories.
SHA.27.A Camera Move Demonstrate ability to position and animate a camera on a stage in a 2D environment.
SHA.28.0 Playback Understand the concept of playback range, loops, and frame rate.
SHA.29.A Compositing and Effects Apply technical skills to light the components and add effects using a linear timeline.
SHA.31.0 3D Space Understand 3D spatial staging and element positioning.
SHA.32.0 Exporting Demonstrate ability to export a project to share it with others.


Storyboard Pro

ID Category Objective
SSA.01.0 Efficiency and Organization Apply critical thinking to organize thoughts, ideas, assets, working files, and deliverable.
SSA.02.0 Project Creation Demonstrate ability to create and set up a project file fitting the final output requirements.
SSA.03.0 Interface Navigation Demonstrate ability to navigate and customize the user interface to optimize work efficiency.
SSA.04.0 Storyboarding Apply artistic skills and processes to create storyboard panels communicating ideas and concepts clearly.
SSA.05.0 Captions and Script Analyze a script to break it down into visual scenes and populate captions based on key moments, actions, and type.
SSA.06.0 Drawing Tools Demonstrate ability to use drawing tools in vector environments to create artwork suited for all steps in the project.
SSA.07.0 Bitmap Drawing Demonstrate ability to use drawing tools in bitmap environments.
SSA.08.0 Layout Apply technical and artistic skills and processes to create location design and background layouts with perspective.
SSA.09.0 Layers Demonstrate ability to create and organize layers based on ordering rules and type.
SSA.10.0 Panel and Scene Manipulation Demonstrate ability to create and organize panels in a structure fitting the script and actions.
SSA.11.0 Handling Artwork on Multiple Panels Understand the purpose of manipulating artwork on multiple panels simultaneously and demonstrate the ability to execute the operation.
SSA.12.0 Visual Reference Tools Identify essential visual reference tools and their purpose in a production context.
SSA.13.0 Sharing and Libraries Demonstrate the ability to share assets through a library and between panels.
SSA.14.0 Colour Use judgment and critical thinking to apply colour to a storyboard highlighting key elements as well as generating mattes and shading.
SSA.15.0 Timing Use creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to time scenes and action to create a coherent and well rythmed story.
SSA.16.0 Import Demonstrate the ability to import third-party images and integrate them a project.
SSA.17.0 Staging Apply technical skills to position elements on the stage and build a composition.
SSA.18.0 Keyframes and Motion Create layer motion using keyframes to plan scenes and enhance the storytelling clarity.
SSA.19.0 Camera Move Demonstrate ability to position and animate a camera on a stage in a 2D and 3D environment.
SSA.20.0 3D Space Understand 3D space and spatial reasoning to manipulate and stage 3D objects and 2D planes in a 3D environment.
SSA.21.0 Sound Demonstrate the ability to import, time, and edit sound.
SSA.22.0 Basic Effects Apply artistic and technical skills to add basic blur effects to layers to enhance motions and composition.
SSA.23.0 Exporting Demonstrate ability to export a project as print and video media to share it with others.



Toon Boom Associate Certification exams are online tests/certifications that are proctored by BrightShift (previously Summit Global Testing). For more information with regard to our proctoring process, please contact

The certification exam is available to working professionals and non-academic candidates. If you are not affiliated with an Academic school and are interested in taking an exam, please contact us.


Mar 11, 2025

Beta Program For Ember

Toon Boom Animation launches beta program for Ember, a new suite of AI-powered productivity tools.

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